Advantages And Disadvantages of Hiring A Workers’ Comp Attorney

The workers’ compensation program is a system that helps injured workers by providing them with monetary benefits to compensate for the losses incurred at their workplaces. According to statistics, most workplace accidents do not involve serious or fatal injuries, so hiring a lawyer is not always necessary. However, many cases involve life-altering injuries in workplace accidents where taking help from a lawyer is considered wiser.

Although hiring a lawyer to receive compensation is advised and often beneficial, everything has its share of pros and cons. This article will discuss both of them. Speak to an Ontario, CA labor law attorney to learn more about the workers’ compensation program.

Advantages of hiring a workers’ compensation attorney

  • Proper filing of paperwork: Every legal procedure involves paperwork, and who better than a lawyer to help you fill it out correctly and on time? A workers’ compensation lawyer will make sure your paperwork is properly filled and submitted on time. This is one of the most crucial steps for a workers’ comp application, as delay in submission or clerical errors can get your claim rejected.
  • Better chance of higher settlement: A 2018 study by Insurtech Clara Analytics showed that injured workers with lawyers to represent them for their claims managed to receive five times more monetary benefits than those who didn’t hire lawyers. A lawyer does not guarantee your claim will be accepted. However, it does raise your chances significantly as lawyers know about the program and what to do to ensure their clients receive the highest benefit for as long as possible.
  • Equal representation: You earn equal representation by hiring a lawyer of your own because employers and insurance companies always have lawyers to deal with workers’ compensation claims. Your lawyer can negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf and also appeal your case if your claim is denied.

Disadvantages of hiring a workers’ compensation attorney

  • The process becomes complex and time-consuming: Every legal procedure requires the time and effort of a lawyer. So, if you plan to resolve your situation through your claim quickly, hiring a lawyer may not be the best thing. Lawyers will need time to do all the legal work, and there is no negotiation. You will also be required to cooperate and commit to the case to help your lawyer as much as possible.
  • Success is not guaranteed: Hiring a professional does not always guarantee success. You cannot rest worry-free after hiring a lawyer, thinking you will win your claim, as that may not happen. Lawyers do increase your chances of winning but do not guarantee your win. Your claim’s success significantly depends on the evidence you choose to present to support your claim.